Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Unlimited Free Traffic

Relationship Tagging Links

Traffic Travis Seo Software
Traffic Travis Seo Software
Some of my posts lately have been talking a bit about all the recent changes in search engines and the new ways Google and Bing are trying to do things. In my post SEO the way Google and Bing want it, I talked about how the importance of using onsite SEO, and how Google is shifting away from ranking everything on back links and instead focusing more about whats actually on your pages. Then I followed up that post with Google vs Facebook the untold truths.
In the Google vs Facebook post I talked about how Google is shifting the search engine into a social search engine and how the importance of being social with Google is going to

Webmaster Marketing Ebook Review

webmaster marketing ebook
webmaster marketing ebook
There are very few marketing ebooks that I will ever recommend. The truth is most marketing ebooks have some serious pitfalls that make them not really worth the time or investment required to read them. The biggest of problems about marketing ebooks, is the information is most often out dated.
The field of internet marketing is one of the most rapidly changing fields. Methods of SEO that worked yesterday no longer work to day. Social networking sites change at such a rapid rate that what worked last year, is totally different this year. Social bookmarking sites come and go. Overall, the methods of marketing online just keep changing and there is no way to really ensure that a marketing ebook will hold value for more than a couple of months.
Another major problem for marketing ebooks is a marketing technique known as PLR. PLR stands for private Label rights.

Google vs Facebook the untold truths

Google vs Facebook
Google vs Facebook
I read an article this morning about Google+ and how despite the best efforts of Google, Google+ will never be able to compete with Facebook. The article was posted on network world and titled Why Google+ can never compete with Facebook. Its articles that I see all over the internet these days.
These people have no idea what they are talking about. They are not wrong, however they are not right either. The problem is they have the wrong belief and therefore they are drawing the wrong conclusion. The truth is, Google+ is not competing with Facebook. Its a VAST misconception to think it is. People keep criticizing the Google+ social network because they don’t understand

SEO the way Google and Bing want it

Onsite SEO
Onsite SEO
When it comes to onsite SEO it seems that almost everyone on the web does things backwards. What most people seem to do, and what is sadly taught on most SEO related websites is to do a lot of research and careful keyword selecting, and then generate web pages and blog posts around those keywords. The belief is if you know what keywords perform well and you create SEO friendly pages then logically you should achieve search engine results for those keywords.
The truth however is that this is a completely backwards way of doing SEO and exactly what

Increase your traffic exchange marketing efforts over 500%

Traffic exchange browser
Traffic exchange browser
Yesterday I published an article about using traffic exchanges to build unlimited free traffic to your website called How to use a traffic exchange. Today I am doing a followup article on how to increase your productivity on traffic exchanges by over 500%.
There is a tool called the traffic exchange browser that combines everything that makes traffic exchanges effective into one single tool. It doesn’t matter if you have used a traffic exchange before or not, this tool can and will absolutely increase

How to use a traffic exchange

traffic exchange marketing
traffic exchange browser
Traffic exchanges are a great way to get unlimited free traffic. This type of traffic can be extremely high quality and very targeted if you know how to use exchanges. Unfortunately most people don’t understand traffic exchanges, and thus never see the benefits from them.
Although there are actually a multitude of different types and styles of traffic exchanges, most people relate traffic exchanges to surf exchanges. This article is a miniature guide on how to using surf exchanges to get high targeted traffic to your website, blog, or business.

Submit Eaze – automatic directory submission software

Submit Eaze
Submit Eaze
I have used countless submission tools over the years and each one seems to work a little different. I am not sure there can ever truly be a best tool, however some tools seem to have options that leave me believing they are a cut above the rest and Submit Eaze Directory Submission Software is one such tool.
Submit Eaze Directory Submission Software is actually a duel purpose submission software that will allow you to submit articles to article directories, and links with descriptions to link directories. The link directory submission process is set up in a very easy to use manner. It categorizes link directories into very useful categories. Some of those categories are free link directories, paid link directories, adult link directories, reciprocal link directories, as well as niche specific directories.

List of rss ping services

Rss Ping List
Rss Ping List
Below is the most complete list of serves to ping found online for your blogs and content management systems. You can use this list so that you can gain unlimited free traffic. I make no claim to the validity of this list as it has been compiled by collecting and combining various lists I have found around the internet over the last few days.
If you don’t know what an rss feed is, or what an rss ping service is I suggest you read this article completely. If however you are familiar with rss feeds and rss ping services, and if you understand the importance of rss for SEO, you can skip to the bottom of this article to get the complete list of 151 different ping services to use.

SEO – Everything keeps changing – Or does it?

SEO Never Changes
SEO Never Changes
If you ask most people what SEO is, they will give you the basic answer of SEO means Search Engine Optimization. However what does that really mean? What does it mean to optimization a website for search engines?

What is SEO?

The so called SEO experts will tell you that search engines like Google and Microsoft Bing rate sites on a series of criteria, and based on how your site rates they will rank you accordingly inside the search engine result pages. According to the professionals,

Safelist Genie Review

safelist genie
safelist genie
I have been a pro member of safelist genie since the day it was released. Safelist genie is a safelist marketing management tool that is unsurpassed by any other tool. As with all marketing tools I recommend this tool is completely white hat.

What is a safelist?

A safelist is a type of email membership website that is used by marketers to swap marketing emails with each other. It works on a point based system. Every email you read, you earn points for reading and every email you send costs you a given number of points. The more points you have the more people receive your email. Most of these memberships have both free and paid member levels, making them great traffic sources for new marketers.

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