*** Article of the Week: Natural Steps To Put Out The Fire Of Acid Reflux And Heart Burn - By Christine Dreher ***-------------------------------------------------------------
Acid reflux and heart burn symptoms trouble an alarming number of Americans today and are the most common symptoms of GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease). It has been assumed (incorrectly) that acid reflux and heart burn are caused by an over-production of acids in the stomach. One of the most common reasons that heart burn and acid reflux occurs is that the LES (lower esophageal sphincter valve that keeps stomach acids in the stomach) weakens and allows stomach acids to back wash up into the esophagus and throat areas. Over time, this stomach acid backwash can be dangerous if left untreated because the stomach acids can destroy the delicate mucous lining of the esophagus and throat, which can lead to cancer and other serious health issues.
The following information is not meant to replace medical care with your doctor or health care provider. It is intended to enhance or improve your health care treatment program.
What about Acid Blockers or Antacids?
Taking acid blockers (both over-the-counter and prescription) only treats the symptoms, but does not address the underlying cause. Since acid reflux and heart burn are not generally caused by an over-production of acids in the stomach, taking acid blockers prevents or impairs the stomach acids (HCL) from breaking down the food properly. These acids in the stomach protect us from certain bad bacteria in meats and other foods ingested. If there are insufficient acids in the stomach, then this protection is compromised, which can leave us vulnerable to bacterial invasion and food poisoning.
The following suggestions address the triggers that allow the LES (lower esophageal sphincter valve) to weaken or open inappropriately and also address the healing of the stomach lining and delicate esophageal and throat tissues. Also included are several tips for improving your digestion and your overall quality of life.
1. Putting out the Fire
For immediate relief from the burning pain of heart burn or acid reflux, I recommend using pure and natural Capra Mineral Goat Whey powder by Mt. Capra. A couple of tablespoons of powder mixed in a large glass of water can bring immediate relief. It is naturally alkalizing to the body and contains naturally occurring electrolyte minerals that nourish and encourage pH balance in our bodies. There are other natural alkalizing formulas that are very effective as well, including Acid Defense by Garden of Life. The primary ingredient in this formula is the Mineral Goat Whey, plus dried vegetable juices that enhance the alkalizing effect of the whey.
For immediate relief from the burning pain of heart burn or acid reflux, I recommend using pure and natural Capra Mineral Goat Whey powder by Mt. Capra. A couple of tablespoons of powder mixed in a large glass of water can bring immediate relief. It is naturally alkalizing to the body and contains naturally occurring electrolyte minerals that nourish and encourage pH balance in our bodies. There are other natural alkalizing formulas that are very effective as well, including Acid Defense by Garden of Life. The primary ingredient in this formula is the Mineral Goat Whey, plus dried vegetable juices that enhance the alkalizing effect of the whey.
2. Soothing and Healing the Irritated Tissues
Mother Nature has provided several amazing botanicals that help to coat and soothe mucus membranes and reduce inflammation, such as Marshmallow Root, Slippery Elm and Plantain.
Mother Nature has provided several amazing botanicals that help to coat and soothe mucus membranes and reduce inflammation, such as Marshmallow Root, Slippery Elm and Plantain.
I have also learned that the use of DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) before meals can soothe and heal the esophageal tissue.
3. Eating & Dietary Patterns
There are several foods that can trigger acid reflux and heart burn by triggering the LES to open or relax. The most common food triggers include: alcoholic beverages, sparkling or carbonated beverages, caffeine, citrus fruits & juices, chocolate, fried foods, fatty foods, pepper, peppermint, tomato products (including pasta sauce) and for certain people certain spices, including garlic, onion or spicy seasonings. It is best to avoid these foods as much as possible during the healing process.
There are several foods that can trigger acid reflux and heart burn by triggering the LES to open or relax. The most common food triggers include: alcoholic beverages, sparkling or carbonated beverages, caffeine, citrus fruits & juices, chocolate, fried foods, fatty foods, pepper, peppermint, tomato products (including pasta sauce) and for certain people certain spices, including garlic, onion or spicy seasonings. It is best to avoid these foods as much as possible during the healing process.
Eating smaller meals throughout the day is helpful because bigger meals tend to put more pressure on the stomach and LES, which in turn can cause the LES to relax and acids to back up into the esophagus.
Eating meals slower and chewing more thoroughly can aid in digestion and prevent over eating. Eating in a hurry or while upset can affect digestion as well.

4. Digestion Support
Digestive enzymes taken before or with meals can improve digestion and reduce gas and bloating after meals. I found the OmegaZyme Ultra digestive enzyme formula by Garden of Life and the CapraZyme digestive enzyme formula by Mt. Capra to be very helpful with my digestion. Also, I suggest not drinking liquids with meals and up to one half hour before a meal, and not until an hour after a meal because liquids can interfere with the digestive process.
Another way to improve digestion is to use a tincture form of bitter herbs like chamomile, dandelion root or barberry or raw, apple cider vinegar mixed in a little water before meals.
Digestive enzymes taken before or with meals can improve digestion and reduce gas and bloating after meals. I found the OmegaZyme Ultra digestive enzyme formula by Garden of Life and the CapraZyme digestive enzyme formula by Mt. Capra to be very helpful with my digestion. Also, I suggest not drinking liquids with meals and up to one half hour before a meal, and not until an hour after a meal because liquids can interfere with the digestive process.
Another way to improve digestion is to use a tincture form of bitter herbs like chamomile, dandelion root or barberry or raw, apple cider vinegar mixed in a little water before meals.
You can also check with your doctor or health care professional to see if you are deficient in HCL (hydrochloric acid). HCL assists with food digestion and supports the function of the LES. If your body is not making enough of its own, then supplementation can be beneficial.
Supporting the digestive system with natural probiotics can also help restore the proper bacterial and pH balance in the G.I. tract.
5. General Mechanics
Wearing loose fitting clothing around the waist can prevent unwanted pressure on the stomach area and the LES and improve the digestion process.
Wearing loose fitting clothing around the waist can prevent unwanted pressure on the stomach area and the LES and improve the digestion process.
I discovered that by raising the head of my bed six to eight inches reduced my occurrence of acid reflux at night. By keeping the head higher than the stomach, gravity helps to prevent acid reflux during sleeping.
6. Quit Smoking
Smoking can over stimulate the production of stomach acids and can also relax and weaken the LES. Smoking can also inhibit the production of saliva -- saliva neutralizes refluxed acids and protects against damage to the esophagus.
Smoking can over stimulate the production of stomach acids and can also relax and weaken the LES. Smoking can also inhibit the production of saliva -- saliva neutralizes refluxed acids and protects against damage to the esophagus.
7. Lose Weight http://goo.gl/BKdfe
Excess body weight increases the abdominal pressure, which can then push the contents of the stomach up into the esophagus. By losing abdominal weight, the pressure on the LES and stomach decreases, this in turn can reduce the occurrence of acid back wash.
Excess body weight increases the abdominal pressure, which can then push the contents of the stomach up into the esophagus. By losing abdominal weight, the pressure on the LES and stomach decreases, this in turn can reduce the occurrence of acid back wash.
8. De-Stress Your Life
Stress is a contributing factor with heart burn and acid reflux. Observe your breathing when you are stressed. Most likely it is shallow, coming from the upper chest. This is because deep breathing is almost impossible when you are stressed. By taking deep, abdominal breaths, you will alkalize your body and release stressful emotions.
Stress is a contributing factor with heart burn and acid reflux. Observe your breathing when you are stressed. Most likely it is shallow, coming from the upper chest. This is because deep breathing is almost impossible when you are stressed. By taking deep, abdominal breaths, you will alkalize your body and release stressful emotions.
Meditation and yoga are both great ways to turn off the mind and simply "be."
In Closing

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