Friday, 23 November 2012

Weight Loss


The mission of Fervéo is to be a catalyst that allows people to rise to their full potential, to be the best they can be. Fervéo aims to help people achieve breakthroughs in their lives.                            

Owned and funded by Andrew Rinehart, one of the most successful young entrepreneurs in America, Fervéo is about to enter the direct sales market with a product that is far beyond its time. Fervéo is launching a very unique product with ingredients proven to support a healthy immune system, increase energy levels, decrease stress and increase happiness.

Fervéo, a direct sales company based out of Salt Lake City, has teamed with some of the worlds foremost physicians and scientists to develop an energy enhancing / immune system boosting product not seen before in the industry. Fervéo's first product is an immune system boosting / energy enhancing powder that can be added to water. The product delivers results in a matter of minutes. Double blind studies conducted by third parties show consumers increased brain function, got sick less and had increased energy and happiness throughout the day.                            

Fervéo has teamed with a $300 million manufacturing company inside of the United States for production. Patent applications are being prepared for submission on a product expected to take the health and wellness industry by storm. This patented and revolutionary blend of herbs is already helping thousands of people in Utah and is quickly spreading across the globe.              The biggest network marketing launch in the history of the industry. TAKE A LOOK.                                                                                                                                           


Wednesday, 21 November 2012



The Fervéo compensation plan is one of the fairest, simplest and easiest to progress through in the entire industry. While most plans require high monthly quotas and many qualification obstacles to be compensated. Industry renowned experts are touting Ferveo as having the highest paying compensation plan in the industry. Fervéo plans to operate and bring on distributors in the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Dubai and parts of South America and Europe. Fervéo is based out of Salt Lake City, Utah.

"We're pleased with the amount of industry leaders already committing to Fervéo," said Andrew Rinehart , founder of Fervéo. "We've spent three years developing what we believe to be the most lucrative compensation plan in the industry. Proof of this will be in the compensation earned by our distributors, which I believe will be significant. We've set up a zero debt company based on a pro-distributor model with longevity and stability as our core focuses."

Fervéo has developed a unique compensation plan that contains some of the highest industry payouts, in some cases double what leading direct sales companies currently pay. With an overall payout of approx. 55% of total revenue, network marketing leaders are lining up to be part of the Fervéo pre-launch. The plan also offers online retail sales commissions and fast start bonuses that are paid on a weekly basis. Fervéo is working with some of the most well known direct sales CPAs and lawyers to ensure that our plan truly is the best.

There are several other unique, breakthrough products on deck scheduled to launch at strategic intervals. Each new product launch will come with a powerful internet driven market campaign designed to capture the attention of tens of thousands of people, thus creating continual recruiting and sales growth spikes.

We believe simple is better. When you try our amazing products, it's only natural that you will want to share them with others. We're going to pay you to do that, and pay you well! The Fervéo compensation plan is one of the most lucrative ever created. It is being touted by experts as the easiest and fastest way to financial independence that a compensation plan has ever offered. You'll soon learn how easy (and lucrative) it is to share our products with others. You can create a monthly residual income that in most cases, can be life changing. There are no binary legs to balance, no complicated percentages to figure - it's easy, simple and anyone can do it.

What's even better is that right now, for a limited time, you can share this opportunity for FREE. Sign up and then share the link to your own personal Fervéo website with everyone you know. This can be done on Facebook, Twitter or by simply picking up the phone. The more people that sign up prior to our launch, the bigger your check will be on day one. TAKE A LOOK and secure your free position today

Network marketing

Ferveo the next network marketing giant is now in pre launch and we are having thousands of people from across the nation joining the highest paying company in network marketing. Top income earners will earn $50,000+ in their first month. We are securing free spots in our company for a limited time, so if your looking to get in the beginning of the next billion $$$ company go to and secure your free position today!                                                                    

Friday, 16 November 2012


First time networker is set up to make $10,000 in the first 30 minutes of the Ferveo launch, as of today
- World famous Dr. Oz endorses our flagship product and calls it the "Holy Grail of Weight Loss"
- Thousands of people are listening to our 2 minute overview sizzle call by dialing
- Web traffice to is approaching 40,000 unique visits per day
- Leaders from across the country are coming on board and planting their flag with Ferveo

Monday, 12 November 2012



 is a company that is still in prelaunch stage which claim to offer the most powerful science based products in health and wellness industry once it start operating after 58 days. The company also state to have created a unique lucrative compensation plan like no other one in the world.


So, What is Ferveo?

Ferveo is a direct sales company based in Salt Lake City that will be launced later on by the end of this year. The overall mission of Ferveo is to allow individuals to rise to their full potentials by providing them with products, training and system that they need to function fully.

Ferveo Products

Ferveo products will focus on; health, wellness, healthy weight management, beauty and financial products.


Benefits of Using Ferveo Products

  • Unique and patented herbal blend that will improve the way you feel and function.
  • Products made of unique ingredients which have not been sold anywhere in the world.
  • Products created by dozens of doctors and experts inside of a facility operating under strict FDA Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in USA.
  • Products that will support energy, weight loss and relaxation.
  • Products that will help in curbing appetite and cravings for sweet foods thus assisting in a healthy and effective weight management program.
  • Natural products which are low in sugar and low in calories.
  • Once taken, the products work in 6 to 10 minutes and the results last for hours. You can consume one in the morning and one in the afternoon for optimal results.
  • Immuno compromised individuals, people seeking to get more energy, students and anyone else will get the right products that will help them in achieving the ultimate human potentials.


The first line of products to be introduced into the market will be human performance and immunity boosting beverages that will improve the physical and mental well being of the individuals. It main purpose will be to; increase energy, protect cells, boost immunity, prevent common colds, combat stress and help in mental growth and overall function of the individuals concerned.


Ferveo Compensation Plan

Joining the program is free, once you enroll during pre-launch stage, you will receive your own website where you can start building your downline. Ferveo compensation plan is a version of the binary compensation model and offers one of the highest percentage payout in the industry. Ferveo claims to pays an approx 35% more than any other binary compensation plans of the industry's biggest companies.



Though it is not very clear how you will earn through their compensation plan but from my understanding, it seems that, Ferveo is offering a kind of CPA (cost per sale) model of business. That means you will only be entitled for a compensation if you send someone to their website and that person purchase a product or by participating in products trials.


One good thing about Ferveo is that, the kinds of products that they are offering are fast moving and you are more likely to make some good sales with effective marketing. You do not even need to have a website to promote their products, you can advertise their products (using your website link) in social networks like Facebook, Stumbleupon etc. To learn more about this program, you can watch a on Ferveo website.

Friday, 19 October 2012


Ferveo, a global direct seller of science-based nutrition products, revealed more details on the results of clinical trials conducted to test the effectiveness of the first Ferveo product release.

"The first Ferveo product contains a unique and patented proprietary blend of herbs and vitamins not found in any other product in the world," stated founder and CEO Andrew Rinehart. "We're excited to begin seeing the same results of consumption among distributors that we have seen in clinical trials conducted by some of the world's best research departments."

Two of the many ingredients found in the all natural powdered product are Bacopa Monnieri and Rhodiola Rosea. Bacopa Monnieri has been shown in several double blind clinical trials to improve memory capacity (J Atern Complement Med, 2010), decrease stress (Phytother Res, 2007) and help support a healthy immune system (Journal of Alternative and Complementary Enthnopharmocology, 2011). Rhodiola Rosea, when taken in doses of 340-680 mg per day in male and female patients 18-70 years old showed significant decreases in depression (Nord J Psychiatry, 2007). Rhodiola Rosea has additionally been shown to increase mental performance particularly among patients suffering fatigue syndrome (Planta Medica, 2009).

The first Ferveo product additionally contains high doses of Vitamin A, C, D, B6 and B12 along with Zinc, Ginger, Natural Caffeine from the Guarana Seed and Echinacea. The Ferveo product is all natural, contains no sugar and no artificial sweetener or coloring.

Ferveo is meant to be taken each morning and afternoon in order to deliver immediate and long lasting energy, assistance in supporting a healthy immune system and support in increased mental clarity and focus. Athletes have enjoyed the benefits of Ferveo pre-workout as well.

The Ferveo compensation model is a unique binary system payout that pays its distributors up to 45% more than the average binary compensation model. Experts are calling the Ferveo compensation plan "one of the most lucrative in the industry."

For more information, visit   or send an email to

Friday, 6 April 2012

Natural Health Tip of the Week

*** Natural Health Tip of the Week ***-------------------------------------------------------------
One of the best things to do between massage therapy treatments is to treat your own feet to a treatment. This is easy to do, costs nothing but a wee bit of your time (10 minutes or more if you'd like), and can help you feel both calmer and more energized, increase blood flow, and stimulate nerve endings.
Try spreading some oil on each palm, especially on the thumbs. Wrap your fingers over the top of your foot, so your thumb pads rest against the sole. Make fanning movements up and down the sole by spreading the thumbs apart - toward the edges of the foot. Adjust the depth for your preference.
*** Article of the Week: 10 Tips for Maintaining Weight Loss - By Stephen Gullo ***
Here are 9 critical behaviors and 1 additional shift in thinking that make up the 10 most important things to do on maintenance. While I believe that all 10 are important, the first 4 are critical for success.
1. Wear form-fitting or tight clothes!
When you reach maintenance, you should have one size, and one size only, of clothing. I've found that nothing sounds the warning siren faster or motivates people to act with greater haste than when their clothing gets too tight!
Think about what motivated you to start your diet. If you're like many of my clients, you were uncomfortable with your clothing (or you couldn't fit into it) and appearance. When you have only one size, you have no choice but to stay trim. If you save larger sizes, you are making it easy to just switch to a larger size instead of acting to correct any errors.
I insist that all maintenance clients discard all clothes that no longer fit, with one exception: I ask them to save the outfit that's their largest size (preferably one they disliked ever having to wear) as an eternal reminder.
2. Keep problem foods you have a history of abusing out of your home.
Almost all the women and a very large percentage of the men I have worked with who regained weight started the slide in their own homes. The slide often began with a food they had a history of abusing but had avoided while they were losing weight.
A study by researchers at the National Weight Control Registry found that two out of three people who lose weight and keep it off keep problem foods out of their house. Although that food might not tempt you at this moment, I can't urge you strongly enough to remove it from your home or at least keep it permanently out of your sight. You're always vulnerable to the foods that have tripped you up in the past -- even on maintenance.
3. Set a weight ceiling, and defend it.
Pick a number -- typically about 3 pounds for women, 5 pounds for men -- and don't let your weight go above it -- ever. No matter what happens, don't let yourself off the hook. Most of my clients expect increases in weight on weekends because of higher-calorie maintenance meals at home and out. Monday is typically the"high number" day of the week, but by Friday, they bring the weight back down to their goal weight, via changes in eating.
4. Weigh yourself every day.
Your bathroom scale can't weigh your behavior. However, it will tell you when you gain a pound or two. If you step on the scale the morning after a big meal at a restaurant or special event, your weight could be up. Don't be alarmed. If it's water weight, it will dissipate in 24 to 48 hours. You should expect slight variations during the week, especially after maintenance meals.
If it's real weight (3 or more pounds that remain over a period of several weeks), that should be a warning to you to take immediate action.
If you find it a bit maddening to follow the daily fluctuations of the scale even though you are eating properly, pick three days of the week on which you will always weigh yourself.
5. Weigh yourself on the Maintenance New Scale.
This is a nearly foolproof way to predict the scale of tomorrow (full explanation contained in my book, The Thin Commandments Diet).
6. Exercise.
It gives you structure and control. It gets you thinking about calorie burn and health consciousness and directs you away from obsessing about food. It's been shown that dieters who exercise regularly succeed the longest at keeping weight off. A study of more than 32,000 dieters by Consumer Reports magazine found that "regular exercise was the number one successful weight-loss maintenance strategy" of more than 81 percent of the long-term maintainers. In second place, at 74 percent, was the related strategy of increasing activity in daily routines.
And remember: Exercise generates endorphins, increases energy, and elevates mood.
Exercise provides you with a healthy outlet for stress, so it shortcuts mood eating.
7. Keep a photo of yourself at your heaviest weight.
For added emphasis, place it next to a picture at your lightest weight. Many of my clients put the photo in a place where they feel most vulnerable -- the refrigerator door or kitchen counter, for example. Others elect to carry the photo in their wallet or purse.
Some of you may find it upsetting to stare constantly at a picture of yourself at your heaviest weight. Instead, carry a picture of what you look like at your lightest weight to motivate you even more to protect your accomplishments.
8. Keep a food diary.
                                Keep a diary for at least the first 90 days on maintenance. I ask my own clients to keep a diary for a full year. I want them to be certain they can manage the entire cycle of the year, with its holidays, vacations, special events, birthdays, summer versus winter eating, and so on. Since the same events and seasons come up year after year, once you get through the first year, you should be well prepared for the coming ones.
A diary will serve as a daily reminder of the extras and/or negative eating habits. Writing out your meals and snacks a day in advance will help structure your thinking and help you steer clear of potential trip-ups.
9. Give yourself clear boundaries.
Boundaries are a strong structure for your eating behavior. A major study of the winners found that 88 percent limited some type or classes of food. Another 45 percent limited the quantities of the foods they ate. If you don't have a good history of limiting a particular food, avoid it.
Most of my winners reinforce their boundaries with the techniques of Box It In and Box It Out. Many decide to Box Out a certain category or type of food. For some, it's baked goods. Others avoid sweet baked goods (but may indulge in another type of sweet, such as a chocolate mousse). They don't do this to make their lives difficult or to deprive themselves of something they want. They do it to make it easier to succeed at weight control -- which is something they want more.
10. Go beyond the food reward system.
My winners enjoy the pleasure of fine food. Many of them dine regularly at fine restaurants. However, they've evolved beyond the childhood programming that views food as a reward or a treat.
They understand that no matter how beautiful a food looks or how enticing its aroma, if it's a food they have a history of abusing, it's no reward at all.
Some of my clients reward themselves with new clothes. Others enjoy a trip to a spa, a new necklace, or a weekend getaway with friends.
These are material rewards. A far more meaningful reward occurs each morning when they look in the mirror and see a trim body. There's no greater reward you can give yourself than to live the vision you have for your own life.
** To comment on this article or read comments about this article, go here.

About the Author:
Dr. Stephen Gullo received his doctorate in psychology from Columbia University, and for more than a decade, he was a professor and researcher at Columbia University Medical Center. He is the former chair of the National Obesity and Weight Control Education Program of the American Institute for Life-Threatening Illness at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. His first book, Thin Tastes Better, was a national bestseller. He has been interviewed by Oprah Winfrey, Larry King, and Barbara Walters and has also made numerous appearances on Today, Good Morning America, and Hard Copy. Dr. Gullo is currently president of the Institute for Health and Weight Sciences' Center for Healthful Living in New York City. He resides in New York City and the U.S. Virgin Islands. When additional products and services become available, Dr. Gullo's hotline, 888-DIET-911, will become activated

Thursday, 5 April 2012

This is an opportunity that you can't ignore!


I just got off an AMAZING call. I am SERIOUSLY looking to work with WINNERS! The owner and founder of SKINNY BODY CARE, Mr. Ben Glinsky, just announced a way to get some SERIOUS cash into the hands of people that are FOCUSED and ready to go to work over the NEXT 90 days. If you have a DOWN LINE in another NETWORK MARKETING COMPANY, this is an opportunity that you can't ignore!

I want you to be the FIRST to get in. HERE IT IS:

If a new person joins Skinny Body Care from April 1st-30th, 2012:

-Reach the rank of Platinum in 90 days you can earn $5000!

-Reach the rank of Diamond in 90 days you can earn $10,000!

-Reach the rank of Crown Diamond in 90 days you can earn $50,000!!!

There are several members who reached the rank of Diamond in 60 days!

This must be completed by JUNE 30, 2012!

This is some exciting NEWS! If you are looking for a home or looking to make some fast cash then NOW is your chance! I have been a part of this company for over 1 year and we keep getting BIGGER and BETTER!

If you are already a part of this company then it's time for you to GO to WORK and BUILD IT BIG! Get on the PHONES! This is LIFE CHANGING NEWS!

If you are not a part of the company yet, I want you to visit my website and take the FREE tour by going to:

Watch the MOVIE and leave your contact information. I will contact you and schedule a time for us to get your questions answered.

Abe deHaas

I look forward to working with you

Tuesday, 3 April 2012


Hello Friends,

Are you ready? As you can clearly see by all the momentum, excitement, and growth that we have going on right now with Skinny Body Care, BIG things are happening with this company, and it’s about to get even BIGGER.

Now that we have a solid year under our belts, with THOUSANDS of life-changing testimonials about our incredible flagship product Skinny Fiber, and having paid out MILLIONS of dollars in commissions though our killer compensation plan, not to mention opening more new markets around the world than ANY other company in the industry, IT’S TIME TO TAKE THIS COMPANY TO THE NEXT LEVEL.

April Promotion is ON

This week, we announced a promotion that gives you SO MUCH POWER to build your organization that I really just want to emphasize what this could mean for YOUR BUSINESS.

For those who have not yet heard, and just to recap for those who have;

For the entire month of April, we are opening our checkbook and letting YOU hand out performance based incentives to other leaders in this industry to give you MORE power, MORE ammunition, and MORE confidence to go after leaders and attract them into YOUR team.

We have a BIG Regional Convention coming up on June 23 in Philadelphia, PA, just under 90 days from right now. For anyone who you bring in to this company who joins in April and builds to Platinum Rank by June 30, 2012, they will receive a $5,000 bonus on TOP of ALL other commissions.

For anyone you bring in in April who builds to Diamond by June 30, 2012, we will pay them a $10,000 performance bonus on TOP of ALL other commissions.

And for anyone you bring in in April who builds to Crown Diamond by June 30, 2012, they will earn a one time $50,000 cash bonus on TOP of ALL other commissions.


 We are a VERY field oriented company. When we say, we are 100% COMMITTED to helping YOU build your business, WE MEAN IT. We truly want SBC to be the LAST company you ever have to be involved with, the one you can RETIRE on.

That means, WE WANT COMMUNICATION from YOU. We WANT to HELP YOU build. We WANT to pay you HUGE checks every month for the next 20+ YEARS.

To do that, we need to attract LEADERS. THAT is what this promotion is all about.

I know sometimes leaders in this industry have a big ego and want to talk to the owner. I have absolutely no problem with that. In fact I WANT you to bring on people like that. And I am going to offer you my personal contact info so that you can put me on the phone with anyone who you need a little help with.

Here’s the deal. AFTER you have shown the leader the business, and you feel that they have the ability to achieve one of the promotions, PUT ME ON THE PHONE WITH THEM. And don’t ever think you are using too much of my time. If you want to put me on the phone with 20 leaders a day, LETS DO IT!

Just understand I am not here to “pitch” the product or opportunity and I am not customer support. We have an AWESOME customer support team to help you with everything you need, and you’ve got a great upline to help as well. But if you have a leader who you have already shown the business to and just need a little help “closing” or want to introduce them to me to get them more excited and motivated, I

Don’t Leave Money on the Table!
 I want to emphasize the POWER and URGENCY of this promotion. Promotions like this do NOT happen in this industry. We are VERY fortunate to be in a position where we can give you this kind of power to build YOUR team. All I can tell you is TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT.

There are THOUSANDS of leaders out there who are struggling in their current companies who have the ability to achieve these bonuses. Not only will you be exploding your organization and setting yourself up for LONG TERM income by going after them, but you will be HELPING THEM out big time.

$5,000 or $10,000 can solve a LOT of problems for a LOT of people who are struggling out there. Leaders are SEARCHING for a company they can call home. Now YOU have more power than EVER to get them into YOUR team.

If I’m not talking to 10 leaders a day EVERY DAY in April, that means YOU GUYS are leaving money on the table. This is YOUR CHANCE to take advantage of something that VERY FEW people (if any) in this industry ever have.

This is YOUR TIME! Let’s make it happen!

Monday, 2 April 2012


Hey Friends,
Do you think you are a Leader in a MLM Company? Do you have a Following or are you on the verge of Bankruptcy? If so you got to read this email!!
Here’s the deal…the Owner of Skinny Body Care has just given me APPROVAL to offer a Performance Based Bonus if you join Skinny Body Care in the month of April! From your starting point, you have until June 30, 2012 to achieve the following ranks and you will get one of the bonuses listed!
If you achieve Platinum – receive $5,000
If you achieve Diamond – receive $10,000
If you achieve Crown Diamond – receive 50,000

Not only that, but if you remain at those ranks for 3 consecutive monthly pay periods, you will also qualify for the following Rank Achievement Bonuses…
Platinum - $1,000
Diamond - $5,000
Crown Diamond - $25,000 or a Brand New Vehicle worth the same amount!

This is the total amount you can earn within the next few months…
Platinum - $6,000
Diamond - $16,000
Crown Diamond – $81,000

This NOT a Joke... Listen to this call to hear it for yourself!
Even if you don't have a following you can achieve these bonuses! All it takes is some determination and some work, wouldn't it be worth it to you to put in a little work to get these bonuses!!
Even if you were in Skinny Body Care before and quit, you can sign up now!
! Fill out the form and take the free tour, after you join send me an email to
To make sure we structure your organization correctly!

Sincerely, Abe deHaas

Friday, 30 March 2012

To Put Out The Fire Of Acid Reflux And Heart Burn

*** Article of the Week: Natural Steps To Put Out The Fire Of Acid Reflux And Heart Burn - By Christine Dreher ***-------------------------------------------------------------
Acid reflux and heart burn symptoms trouble an alarming number of Americans today and are the most common symptoms of GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease). It has been assumed (incorrectly) that acid reflux and heart burn are caused by an over-production of acids in the stomach. One of the most common reasons that heart burn and acid reflux occurs is that the LES (lower esophageal sphincter valve that keeps stomach acids in the stomach) weakens and allows stomach acids to back wash up into the esophagus and throat areas. Over time, this stomach acid backwash can be dangerous if left untreated because the stomach acids can destroy the delicate mucous lining of the esophagus and throat, which can lead to cancer and other serious health issues.
The following information is not meant to replace medical care with your doctor or health care provider. It is intended to enhance or improve your health care treatment program.
What about Acid Blockers or Antacids?
Taking acid blockers (both over-the-counter and prescription) only treats the symptoms, but does not address the underlying cause. Since acid reflux and heart burn are not generally caused by an over-production of acids in the stomach, taking acid blockers prevents or impairs the stomach acids (HCL) from breaking down the food properly. These acids in the stomach protect us from certain bad bacteria in meats and other foods ingested. If there are insufficient acids in the stomach, then this protection is compromised, which can leave us vulnerable to bacterial invasion and food poisoning.
The following suggestions address the triggers that allow the LES (lower esophageal sphincter valve) to weaken or open inappropriately and also address the healing of the stomach lining and delicate esophageal and throat tissues. Also included are several tips for improving your digestion and your overall quality of life.
1. Putting out the Fire
For immediate relief from the burning pain of heart burn or acid reflux, I recommend using pure and natural Capra Mineral Goat Whey powder by Mt. Capra. A couple of tablespoons of powder mixed in a large glass of water can bring immediate relief. It is naturally alkalizing to the body and contains naturally occurring electrolyte minerals that nourish and encourage pH balance in our bodies. There are other natural alkalizing formulas that are very effective as well, including Acid Defense by Garden of Life. The primary ingredient in this formula is the Mineral Goat Whey, plus dried vegetable juices that enhance the alkalizing effect of the whey.
2. Soothing and Healing the Irritated Tissues
Mother Nature has provided several amazing botanicals that help to coat and soothe mucus membranes and reduce inflammation, such as Marshmallow Root, Slippery Elm and Plantain.
I have also learned that the use of DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) before meals can soothe and heal the esophageal tissue.
3. Eating & Dietary Patterns
There are several foods that can trigger acid reflux and heart burn by triggering the LES to open or relax. The most common food triggers include: alcoholic beverages, sparkling or carbonated beverages, caffeine, citrus fruits & juices, chocolate, fried foods, fatty foods, pepper, peppermint, tomato products (including pasta sauce) and for certain people certain spices, including garlic, onion or spicy seasonings. It is best to avoid these foods as much as possible during the healing process.
Eating smaller meals throughout the day is helpful because bigger meals tend to put more pressure on the stomach and LES, which in turn can cause the LES to relax and acids to back up into the esophagus.
Eating meals slower and chewing more thoroughly can aid in digestion and prevent over eating. Eating in a hurry or while upset can affect digestion as well.
Proper food combining can also be helpful. If your symptoms are severe, it could be helpful for a while to eat just one type of food at a time to improve digestion and reduce gas and bloating in the stomach.
4. Digestion Support
Digestive enzymes taken before or with meals can improve digestion and reduce gas and bloating after meals. I found the OmegaZyme Ultra digestive enzyme formula by Garden of Life and the CapraZyme digestive enzyme formula by Mt. Capra to be very helpful with my digestion. Also, I suggest not drinking liquids with meals and up to one half hour before a meal, and not until an hour after a meal because liquids can interfere with the digestive process.
Another way to improve digestion is to use a tincture form of bitter herbs like chamomile, dandelion root or barberry or raw, apple cider vinegar mixed in a little water before meals.
You can also check with your doctor or health care professional to see if you are deficient in HCL (hydrochloric acid). HCL assists with food digestion and supports the function of the LES. If your body is not making enough of its own, then supplementation can be beneficial.
Supporting the digestive system with natural probiotics can also help restore the proper bacterial and pH balance in the G.I. tract.
5. General Mechanics
Wearing loose fitting clothing around the waist can prevent unwanted pressure on the stomach area and the LES and improve the digestion process.
I discovered that by raising the head of my bed six to eight inches reduced my occurrence of acid reflux at night. By keeping the head higher than the stomach, gravity helps to prevent acid reflux during sleeping.
6. Quit Smoking
Smoking can over stimulate the production of stomach acids and can also relax and weaken the LES. Smoking can also inhibit the production of saliva -- saliva neutralizes refluxed acids and protects against damage to the esophagus.
7. Lose Weight
Excess body weight increases the abdominal pressure, which can then push the contents of the stomach up into the esophagus. By losing abdominal weight, the pressure on the LES and stomach decreases, this in turn can reduce the occurrence of acid back wash.
8. De-Stress Your Life
Stress is a contributing factor with heart burn and acid reflux. Observe your breathing when you are stressed. Most likely it is shallow, coming from the upper chest. This is because deep breathing is almost impossible when you are stressed. By taking deep, abdominal breaths, you will alkalize your body and release stressful emotions.
Meditation and yoga are both great ways to turn off the mind and simply "be."
In Closing
Following these natural and healthy guidelines can greatly improve or eliminate symptoms of heart burn and acid reflux. For more information on digestive health, I recommend reading the book "Restoring Your Digestive Health" by Jordan S. Rubin, N.M.D. and Joseph Brasco, M.D. It is a comprehensive health guide that combines the wisdom of both traditional and alternative treatment methods for a variety of gastrointestinal health issues. You can also visit our website for more digestive health information and products. To your health!
** To comment on this article or read comments about this article, go here.

About the Author:
Christine Dreher, CCN, CCH is a Nutritionist, Herbalist, Author of "The "Cleanse Cookbook" and President & Founder of Christine's Cleanse Corner, Inc., (a nutritional company that specializes in nutritional & health education & Whole Food Vitamin Supplements).

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Controlling your blood sugar!

What's the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do to live a long, disease-free life?
A good diet? Regular exercise? Watching your weight? Controlling stress. Sound sleep?
All these practices are certainly beneficial. But they're NOT nearly as important as...
Controlling your blood sugar!
Research from across the entire medical community reveals this is the #1 factor for good health and long life. Here's why...
Out-of-control blood sugar is linked to every serious degenerative disease on today's Top 10 Killers list.
It's a fact: Excess blood sugar harms every important organ in your body.
It's becoming a huge problem these days...
And eating less sugar won't protect you!
That's because so many hidden sugars and sweeteners are being added to our foods today-- even the ones that aren't "sweet."
But there's an even bigger problem which most people aren't even aware of...
Many carb foods spike your blood sugar
even when they contain no sweeteners!
These carbs become blood glucose just as rapidly as if you ate pure table sugar!
And sometimes diet-and-exercise just isn't enough to neutralize the threat -- especially as you get older.
So take my advice, if you want to really protect your health, you've got to...
Get control of your blood sugar now!
But it's not all that easy because...
You can't always be sure if every food product you buy is blood sugar "safe."
And, hey ... sometimes you just want a treat -- or a break from the straight and narrow.
Your blood sugar can always use a little extra help.
That's why I'm so happy to tell you about Gluco-Secure -- the new "blood sugar stabilizer" from my good friend Dr. Alan Pressman.
This is the most impressive non-prescription blood sugar supplement on the market today -- bar none!
The reason I like it so much is because Gluco-Securecontains 7 of the most powerful natural blood sugar-lowering ingredients ever researched.
These act just like your body's insulin!
Gluco-Secure pulls excess glucose OUT of your bloodstream before it can do damage. And you'll feel the positive effects immediately, including...
-Higher energy levels (no more mid-morning or midday "crash")
-Brighter moods and less irritability (caused by fluctuating blood sugar levels)
-Ends carbohydrate cravings and the incessant urge for "something sweet"
-It can even help you control your weight (and lose excess pounds!)
No more lectures from your doctor about your blood sugar!
This is a truly wonderful product -- and the only one that has my full 100% endorsement.
Dr. Pressman is a "supplement genius" and Gluco-Securemay be his very best formulation yet. Check out the impressive list of ingredients here
Now, controlling your blood sugar can be...
As easy as swallowing a single capsule!
So you won't have to worry or feel guilty about every meal or snack you eat.
You've got enough on your mind, don't you?
If you want to really get your blood sugar under control, I urge you to
Give Gluco-Secure a risk-free try
Dr. Pressman will send you a trial supply of Gluco-Secure for you to use for 30 days, completely Risk-Free
See his Special Offer get your trial supply of Gluco-Secure
Dr. Pressman GUARANTEES you'll feel an immediate improvement -- and that your doctor will notice a wonderful improvement in your blood sugar levels -- or you won't pay a penny more than the original shipping and handling.
You can'tlose with this offer!
I hope you won't let this opportunity get away.
Give Gluco-Secure a risk-free try

David Riklan
Editor - Natural Health Newsletter
Founder - &

Unlimited Free Traffic

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Traffic Travis Seo Software
Traffic Travis Seo Software
Some of my posts lately have been talking a bit about all the recent changes in search engines and the new ways Google and Bing are trying to do things. In my post SEO the way Google and Bing want it, I talked about how the importance of using onsite SEO, and how Google is shifting away from ranking everything on back links and instead focusing more about whats actually on your pages. Then I followed up that post with Google vs Facebook the untold truths.
In the Google vs Facebook post I talked about how Google is shifting the search engine into a social search engine and how the importance of being social with Google is going to

Webmaster Marketing Ebook Review

webmaster marketing ebook
webmaster marketing ebook
There are very few marketing ebooks that I will ever recommend. The truth is most marketing ebooks have some serious pitfalls that make them not really worth the time or investment required to read them. The biggest of problems about marketing ebooks, is the information is most often out dated.
The field of internet marketing is one of the most rapidly changing fields. Methods of SEO that worked yesterday no longer work to day. Social networking sites change at such a rapid rate that what worked last year, is totally different this year. Social bookmarking sites come and go. Overall, the methods of marketing online just keep changing and there is no way to really ensure that a marketing ebook will hold value for more than a couple of months.
Another major problem for marketing ebooks is a marketing technique known as PLR. PLR stands for private Label rights.

Google vs Facebook the untold truths

Google vs Facebook
Google vs Facebook
I read an article this morning about Google+ and how despite the best efforts of Google, Google+ will never be able to compete with Facebook. The article was posted on network world and titled Why Google+ can never compete with Facebook. Its articles that I see all over the internet these days.
These people have no idea what they are talking about. They are not wrong, however they are not right either. The problem is they have the wrong belief and therefore they are drawing the wrong conclusion. The truth is, Google+ is not competing with Facebook. Its a VAST misconception to think it is. People keep criticizing the Google+ social network because they don’t understand

SEO the way Google and Bing want it

Onsite SEO
Onsite SEO
When it comes to onsite SEO it seems that almost everyone on the web does things backwards. What most people seem to do, and what is sadly taught on most SEO related websites is to do a lot of research and careful keyword selecting, and then generate web pages and blog posts around those keywords. The belief is if you know what keywords perform well and you create SEO friendly pages then logically you should achieve search engine results for those keywords.
The truth however is that this is a completely backwards way of doing SEO and exactly what

Increase your traffic exchange marketing efforts over 500%

Traffic exchange browser
Traffic exchange browser
Yesterday I published an article about using traffic exchanges to build unlimited free traffic to your website called How to use a traffic exchange. Today I am doing a followup article on how to increase your productivity on traffic exchanges by over 500%.
There is a tool called the traffic exchange browser that combines everything that makes traffic exchanges effective into one single tool. It doesn’t matter if you have used a traffic exchange before or not, this tool can and will absolutely increase

How to use a traffic exchange

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traffic exchange browser
Traffic exchanges are a great way to get unlimited free traffic. This type of traffic can be extremely high quality and very targeted if you know how to use exchanges. Unfortunately most people don’t understand traffic exchanges, and thus never see the benefits from them.
Although there are actually a multitude of different types and styles of traffic exchanges, most people relate traffic exchanges to surf exchanges. This article is a miniature guide on how to using surf exchanges to get high targeted traffic to your website, blog, or business.

Submit Eaze – automatic directory submission software

Submit Eaze
Submit Eaze
I have used countless submission tools over the years and each one seems to work a little different. I am not sure there can ever truly be a best tool, however some tools seem to have options that leave me believing they are a cut above the rest and Submit Eaze Directory Submission Software is one such tool.
Submit Eaze Directory Submission Software is actually a duel purpose submission software that will allow you to submit articles to article directories, and links with descriptions to link directories. The link directory submission process is set up in a very easy to use manner. It categorizes link directories into very useful categories. Some of those categories are free link directories, paid link directories, adult link directories, reciprocal link directories, as well as niche specific directories.

List of rss ping services

Rss Ping List
Rss Ping List
Below is the most complete list of serves to ping found online for your blogs and content management systems. You can use this list so that you can gain unlimited free traffic. I make no claim to the validity of this list as it has been compiled by collecting and combining various lists I have found around the internet over the last few days.
If you don’t know what an rss feed is, or what an rss ping service is I suggest you read this article completely. If however you are familiar with rss feeds and rss ping services, and if you understand the importance of rss for SEO, you can skip to the bottom of this article to get the complete list of 151 different ping services to use.

SEO – Everything keeps changing – Or does it?

SEO Never Changes
SEO Never Changes
If you ask most people what SEO is, they will give you the basic answer of SEO means Search Engine Optimization. However what does that really mean? What does it mean to optimization a website for search engines?

What is SEO?

The so called SEO experts will tell you that search engines like Google and Microsoft Bing rate sites on a series of criteria, and based on how your site rates they will rank you accordingly inside the search engine result pages. According to the professionals,

Safelist Genie Review

safelist genie
safelist genie
I have been a pro member of safelist genie since the day it was released. Safelist genie is a safelist marketing management tool that is unsurpassed by any other tool. As with all marketing tools I recommend this tool is completely white hat.

What is a safelist?

A safelist is a type of email membership website that is used by marketers to swap marketing emails with each other. It works on a point based system. Every email you read, you earn points for reading and every email you send costs you a given number of points. The more points you have the more people receive your email. Most of these memberships have both free and paid member levels, making them great traffic sources for new marketers.

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