Friday, 6 April 2012

Natural Health Tip of the Week

*** Natural Health Tip of the Week ***-------------------------------------------------------------
One of the best things to do between massage therapy treatments is to treat your own feet to a treatment. This is easy to do, costs nothing but a wee bit of your time (10 minutes or more if you'd like), and can help you feel both calmer and more energized, increase blood flow, and stimulate nerve endings.
Try spreading some oil on each palm, especially on the thumbs. Wrap your fingers over the top of your foot, so your thumb pads rest against the sole. Make fanning movements up and down the sole by spreading the thumbs apart - toward the edges of the foot. Adjust the depth for your preference.
*** Article of the Week: 10 Tips for Maintaining Weight Loss - By Stephen Gullo ***
Here are 9 critical behaviors and 1 additional shift in thinking that make up the 10 most important things to do on maintenance. While I believe that all 10 are important, the first 4 are critical for success.
1. Wear form-fitting or tight clothes!
When you reach maintenance, you should have one size, and one size only, of clothing. I've found that nothing sounds the warning siren faster or motivates people to act with greater haste than when their clothing gets too tight!
Think about what motivated you to start your diet. If you're like many of my clients, you were uncomfortable with your clothing (or you couldn't fit into it) and appearance. When you have only one size, you have no choice but to stay trim. If you save larger sizes, you are making it easy to just switch to a larger size instead of acting to correct any errors.
I insist that all maintenance clients discard all clothes that no longer fit, with one exception: I ask them to save the outfit that's their largest size (preferably one they disliked ever having to wear) as an eternal reminder.
2. Keep problem foods you have a history of abusing out of your home.
Almost all the women and a very large percentage of the men I have worked with who regained weight started the slide in their own homes. The slide often began with a food they had a history of abusing but had avoided while they were losing weight.
A study by researchers at the National Weight Control Registry found that two out of three people who lose weight and keep it off keep problem foods out of their house. Although that food might not tempt you at this moment, I can't urge you strongly enough to remove it from your home or at least keep it permanently out of your sight. You're always vulnerable to the foods that have tripped you up in the past -- even on maintenance.
3. Set a weight ceiling, and defend it.
Pick a number -- typically about 3 pounds for women, 5 pounds for men -- and don't let your weight go above it -- ever. No matter what happens, don't let yourself off the hook. Most of my clients expect increases in weight on weekends because of higher-calorie maintenance meals at home and out. Monday is typically the"high number" day of the week, but by Friday, they bring the weight back down to their goal weight, via changes in eating.
4. Weigh yourself every day.
Your bathroom scale can't weigh your behavior. However, it will tell you when you gain a pound or two. If you step on the scale the morning after a big meal at a restaurant or special event, your weight could be up. Don't be alarmed. If it's water weight, it will dissipate in 24 to 48 hours. You should expect slight variations during the week, especially after maintenance meals.
If it's real weight (3 or more pounds that remain over a period of several weeks), that should be a warning to you to take immediate action.
If you find it a bit maddening to follow the daily fluctuations of the scale even though you are eating properly, pick three days of the week on which you will always weigh yourself.
5. Weigh yourself on the Maintenance New Scale.
This is a nearly foolproof way to predict the scale of tomorrow (full explanation contained in my book, The Thin Commandments Diet).
6. Exercise.
It gives you structure and control. It gets you thinking about calorie burn and health consciousness and directs you away from obsessing about food. It's been shown that dieters who exercise regularly succeed the longest at keeping weight off. A study of more than 32,000 dieters by Consumer Reports magazine found that "regular exercise was the number one successful weight-loss maintenance strategy" of more than 81 percent of the long-term maintainers. In second place, at 74 percent, was the related strategy of increasing activity in daily routines.
And remember: Exercise generates endorphins, increases energy, and elevates mood.
Exercise provides you with a healthy outlet for stress, so it shortcuts mood eating.
7. Keep a photo of yourself at your heaviest weight.
For added emphasis, place it next to a picture at your lightest weight. Many of my clients put the photo in a place where they feel most vulnerable -- the refrigerator door or kitchen counter, for example. Others elect to carry the photo in their wallet or purse.
Some of you may find it upsetting to stare constantly at a picture of yourself at your heaviest weight. Instead, carry a picture of what you look like at your lightest weight to motivate you even more to protect your accomplishments.
8. Keep a food diary.
                                Keep a diary for at least the first 90 days on maintenance. I ask my own clients to keep a diary for a full year. I want them to be certain they can manage the entire cycle of the year, with its holidays, vacations, special events, birthdays, summer versus winter eating, and so on. Since the same events and seasons come up year after year, once you get through the first year, you should be well prepared for the coming ones.
A diary will serve as a daily reminder of the extras and/or negative eating habits. Writing out your meals and snacks a day in advance will help structure your thinking and help you steer clear of potential trip-ups.
9. Give yourself clear boundaries.
Boundaries are a strong structure for your eating behavior. A major study of the winners found that 88 percent limited some type or classes of food. Another 45 percent limited the quantities of the foods they ate. If you don't have a good history of limiting a particular food, avoid it.
Most of my winners reinforce their boundaries with the techniques of Box It In and Box It Out. Many decide to Box Out a certain category or type of food. For some, it's baked goods. Others avoid sweet baked goods (but may indulge in another type of sweet, such as a chocolate mousse). They don't do this to make their lives difficult or to deprive themselves of something they want. They do it to make it easier to succeed at weight control -- which is something they want more.
10. Go beyond the food reward system.
My winners enjoy the pleasure of fine food. Many of them dine regularly at fine restaurants. However, they've evolved beyond the childhood programming that views food as a reward or a treat.
They understand that no matter how beautiful a food looks or how enticing its aroma, if it's a food they have a history of abusing, it's no reward at all.
Some of my clients reward themselves with new clothes. Others enjoy a trip to a spa, a new necklace, or a weekend getaway with friends.
These are material rewards. A far more meaningful reward occurs each morning when they look in the mirror and see a trim body. There's no greater reward you can give yourself than to live the vision you have for your own life.
** To comment on this article or read comments about this article, go here.

About the Author:
Dr. Stephen Gullo received his doctorate in psychology from Columbia University, and for more than a decade, he was a professor and researcher at Columbia University Medical Center. He is the former chair of the National Obesity and Weight Control Education Program of the American Institute for Life-Threatening Illness at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. His first book, Thin Tastes Better, was a national bestseller. He has been interviewed by Oprah Winfrey, Larry King, and Barbara Walters and has also made numerous appearances on Today, Good Morning America, and Hard Copy. Dr. Gullo is currently president of the Institute for Health and Weight Sciences' Center for Healthful Living in New York City. He resides in New York City and the U.S. Virgin Islands. When additional products and services become available, Dr. Gullo's hotline, 888-DIET-911, will become activated

Thursday, 5 April 2012

This is an opportunity that you can't ignore!


I just got off an AMAZING call. I am SERIOUSLY looking to work with WINNERS! The owner and founder of SKINNY BODY CARE, Mr. Ben Glinsky, just announced a way to get some SERIOUS cash into the hands of people that are FOCUSED and ready to go to work over the NEXT 90 days. If you have a DOWN LINE in another NETWORK MARKETING COMPANY, this is an opportunity that you can't ignore!

I want you to be the FIRST to get in. HERE IT IS:

If a new person joins Skinny Body Care from April 1st-30th, 2012:

-Reach the rank of Platinum in 90 days you can earn $5000!

-Reach the rank of Diamond in 90 days you can earn $10,000!

-Reach the rank of Crown Diamond in 90 days you can earn $50,000!!!

There are several members who reached the rank of Diamond in 60 days!

This must be completed by JUNE 30, 2012!

This is some exciting NEWS! If you are looking for a home or looking to make some fast cash then NOW is your chance! I have been a part of this company for over 1 year and we keep getting BIGGER and BETTER!

If you are already a part of this company then it's time for you to GO to WORK and BUILD IT BIG! Get on the PHONES! This is LIFE CHANGING NEWS!

If you are not a part of the company yet, I want you to visit my website and take the FREE tour by going to:

Watch the MOVIE and leave your contact information. I will contact you and schedule a time for us to get your questions answered.

Abe deHaas

I look forward to working with you

Tuesday, 3 April 2012


Hello Friends,

Are you ready? As you can clearly see by all the momentum, excitement, and growth that we have going on right now with Skinny Body Care, BIG things are happening with this company, and it’s about to get even BIGGER.

Now that we have a solid year under our belts, with THOUSANDS of life-changing testimonials about our incredible flagship product Skinny Fiber, and having paid out MILLIONS of dollars in commissions though our killer compensation plan, not to mention opening more new markets around the world than ANY other company in the industry, IT’S TIME TO TAKE THIS COMPANY TO THE NEXT LEVEL.

April Promotion is ON

This week, we announced a promotion that gives you SO MUCH POWER to build your organization that I really just want to emphasize what this could mean for YOUR BUSINESS.

For those who have not yet heard, and just to recap for those who have;

For the entire month of April, we are opening our checkbook and letting YOU hand out performance based incentives to other leaders in this industry to give you MORE power, MORE ammunition, and MORE confidence to go after leaders and attract them into YOUR team.

We have a BIG Regional Convention coming up on June 23 in Philadelphia, PA, just under 90 days from right now. For anyone who you bring in to this company who joins in April and builds to Platinum Rank by June 30, 2012, they will receive a $5,000 bonus on TOP of ALL other commissions.

For anyone you bring in in April who builds to Diamond by June 30, 2012, we will pay them a $10,000 performance bonus on TOP of ALL other commissions.

And for anyone you bring in in April who builds to Crown Diamond by June 30, 2012, they will earn a one time $50,000 cash bonus on TOP of ALL other commissions.


 We are a VERY field oriented company. When we say, we are 100% COMMITTED to helping YOU build your business, WE MEAN IT. We truly want SBC to be the LAST company you ever have to be involved with, the one you can RETIRE on.

That means, WE WANT COMMUNICATION from YOU. We WANT to HELP YOU build. We WANT to pay you HUGE checks every month for the next 20+ YEARS.

To do that, we need to attract LEADERS. THAT is what this promotion is all about.

I know sometimes leaders in this industry have a big ego and want to talk to the owner. I have absolutely no problem with that. In fact I WANT you to bring on people like that. And I am going to offer you my personal contact info so that you can put me on the phone with anyone who you need a little help with.

Here’s the deal. AFTER you have shown the leader the business, and you feel that they have the ability to achieve one of the promotions, PUT ME ON THE PHONE WITH THEM. And don’t ever think you are using too much of my time. If you want to put me on the phone with 20 leaders a day, LETS DO IT!

Just understand I am not here to “pitch” the product or opportunity and I am not customer support. We have an AWESOME customer support team to help you with everything you need, and you’ve got a great upline to help as well. But if you have a leader who you have already shown the business to and just need a little help “closing” or want to introduce them to me to get them more excited and motivated, I

Don’t Leave Money on the Table!
 I want to emphasize the POWER and URGENCY of this promotion. Promotions like this do NOT happen in this industry. We are VERY fortunate to be in a position where we can give you this kind of power to build YOUR team. All I can tell you is TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT.

There are THOUSANDS of leaders out there who are struggling in their current companies who have the ability to achieve these bonuses. Not only will you be exploding your organization and setting yourself up for LONG TERM income by going after them, but you will be HELPING THEM out big time.

$5,000 or $10,000 can solve a LOT of problems for a LOT of people who are struggling out there. Leaders are SEARCHING for a company they can call home. Now YOU have more power than EVER to get them into YOUR team.

If I’m not talking to 10 leaders a day EVERY DAY in April, that means YOU GUYS are leaving money on the table. This is YOUR CHANCE to take advantage of something that VERY FEW people (if any) in this industry ever have.

This is YOUR TIME! Let’s make it happen!

Monday, 2 April 2012


Hey Friends,
Do you think you are a Leader in a MLM Company? Do you have a Following or are you on the verge of Bankruptcy? If so you got to read this email!!
Here’s the deal…the Owner of Skinny Body Care has just given me APPROVAL to offer a Performance Based Bonus if you join Skinny Body Care in the month of April! From your starting point, you have until June 30, 2012 to achieve the following ranks and you will get one of the bonuses listed!
If you achieve Platinum – receive $5,000
If you achieve Diamond – receive $10,000
If you achieve Crown Diamond – receive 50,000

Not only that, but if you remain at those ranks for 3 consecutive monthly pay periods, you will also qualify for the following Rank Achievement Bonuses…
Platinum - $1,000
Diamond - $5,000
Crown Diamond - $25,000 or a Brand New Vehicle worth the same amount!

This is the total amount you can earn within the next few months…
Platinum - $6,000
Diamond - $16,000
Crown Diamond – $81,000

This NOT a Joke... Listen to this call to hear it for yourself!
Even if you don't have a following you can achieve these bonuses! All it takes is some determination and some work, wouldn't it be worth it to you to put in a little work to get these bonuses!!
Even if you were in Skinny Body Care before and quit, you can sign up now!
! Fill out the form and take the free tour, after you join send me an email to
To make sure we structure your organization correctly!

Sincerely, Abe deHaas